UDP Packet Switching Demo Instruction


1      Environment Setup. 2

2      PC Setup. 3

2.1   IP Setting. 3

2.2   Speed and duplex settings. 4

2.3   Network properties settings. 5

3      UDP Packet Switching Demo setup. 8

4      Serial Console. 9

5      Command detail 10

5.1   Show Access List 10

5.2   Add Access List Entry. 10

5.3   Move Access List Entry. 11

5.4   Remove Access List Entry. 11

5.5   Clear All Access List Entries. 11

5.6   Show Network Status. 12

5.7   Configure Comparison Mode. 12

6      Software UDP Client and Server for Test 13

6.1   UDP Client 13

6.2   UDP Server 13

7      UDP Packet Switching Behavior Demonstration. 14

7.1   Add Access List Entry and Switch to Destination Mode. 14

7.2   View All Entries in Access List 14

7.3   Open UDP Server to Listen on Port 4433. 14

7.4   Packet Transmission. 15

7.5   Result 15

8      Demonstration of UDP Packet Filtering. 17

8.1   Add Access List Entry and Switch to Destination Mode. 17

8.2   View all Entries in Access List 17

8.3   Open UDP Server to Listen on Port 4433. 17

8.4   Packet Transmission. 18

8.5   Result 18

9      Revision History. 20


This document provides step-by-step instructions for running a UDP Packet Switching demo on the KCU116 development board. The demo showcases the switching of incoming UDP packets using tCAM-IP, focusing on packet processing similar to Access Control Lists (ACLs) but specifically targeting UDP traffic. This allows users to gain a deeper understanding of how tCAM-IP can be used to filter and switch UDP packets across a 10Gbps Ethernet connection with four channels.

All configurations for this demo can be easily managed through the serial console interface. This instruction will guide you through setting up the test environment, running the demo, and interpreting the results.


1        Environment Setup

To operate tCAM-IP demo, please prepare following test environment.

1)     FPGA development board (KCU116 development board)

2)     Test PC with 10 Gigabit Ethernet card.

3)     Micro USB cable for JTAG connection between FPGA board and Test PC.

4)     Micro USB cable for UART connection between FPGA board and Test PC.

5)     10Gb Ethernet cable (SFP+ to SFP+).

6)     Vivado tool for programming FPGA installed on Test PC.

7)     Serial console software such as TeraTerm installed on PC. The setting on the console is Baudrate=115,200, Data=8-bit, Non-parity and Stop=1.

8)     Demo configuration file (To download this file, please visit our web site at www.design-gateway.com).



Figure 1 tCAM-IP demo on KCU116 board


2        PC Setup

Before running demo, please check the network setting on PC. Ethernet setting is shown as follows.


2.1      IP Setting


Figure 2 Setting IP address for PC


1)     Open Local Area Connection Properties of 10 Gb connection, as shown in the left window of Figure 2.

2)     Select “TCP/IPv4” and then click Properties.

3)     Set the IP addresses to,,, and with a subnet mask of, as shown in the right window of Figure 2.


2.2      Speed and duplex settings


Figure 3 Set Link Speed = 10 Gbps


1)     On Local Area Connection Properties window, click “Configure”, as shown in Figure 3.

2)     On Advanced Tab, select “Speed and Duplex”. Set the value to “10 Gbps Full Duplex” for running 10 Gigabit transfer test, as shown inFigure 3.


2.3      Network properties settings

Some of network parameter settings may affect network performance. The example of network properties setting is as follows.

1)     On “Interrupt Moderation” window, select “Disabled” to disable interrupt moderation which would minimize the latency during transferring data, as shown in Figure 4



Figure 4 Interrupt Moderation


2)     On “Interrupt Moderation Rate” window, set the value to “OFF”, as shown in Figure 5.



Figure 5 Interrupt Moderation Rate


3)     On “Jumbo packet” window, set the value to “9014 Bytes”, as shown in Figure 6.



Figure 6 Jumbo packet


4)     On “Receive Buffers” window, set the value to the maximum value, as shown in Figure 7.



Figure 7 Receive Buffers


5)     On “Transmit Buffers” window, set the value to the maximum value, as shown in Figure 8.



Figure 8 Transmit buffers


3        UDP Packet Switching Demo setup

1)     Make sure the power switch is off and connect the power supply to KCU116 development board.

2)     Connect 10Gb SFP+ cable from KCU116 board to PC.

i)        SFP0 to NIC with IP

ii)       SFP1 to NIC with IP

iii)      SFP2 to NIC with IP

iv)      SFP3 to NIC with IP

3)     Connect USB cable between PC to JTAG micro USB port.

4)     Power on the system.

5)     Open Vivado Hardware Manager to program FPGA by following steps.

i)        Click open Hardware Manager.

ii)       Click “Auto Connect” to connect with the board.

iii)      Select FPGA device to program bit file.

iv)      Click Program device.

v)       Click “…” to select program bit file.

vi)      Click Program button to start FPGA Programming.



Figure 9 Program Device


4        Serial Console

Users can configure various parameters and manage the UDP packet switching application directly through the serial console. The available commands allow users to control access list, filter UDP packets, and monitor network status. The UDP packet switching commands and their usages are displayed as shown in Figure 10. Detailed information about each command is described in topic 5.



Figure 10 Serial console


5        Command detail

5.1      Show Access List

command> showlist

This command displays all access list entries, including detailed information, for UDP packet switching. The entries are prioritized based on their list numbers, with lower numbers taking precedence.


5.2      Add Access List Entry

command> addlist <action> <protocol> <ip-addr> [-m ip-mask] [-p port]

This command adds a new entry to the access list. Users must specify the active channels in binary format in the action field, protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), IP address in ip-addr, optional wildcard mask for the IP address with -m, and port number (TCP, UDP) with -p if required.




Figure 11 Example of the showlist and addlist command usage


5.3      Move Access List Entry

command> movelist <list number> -d [number] | -u [number]

This command moves an access list entry up or down in the list. Use the -d option to move down and -u to move up by the specified number of positions.




Figure 12 Example of the movelist command usage


5.4      Remove Access List Entry

command> removelist <list number>

This command removes a specific access list entry based on its list number.




Figure 13 Example of the removelist command usage


5.5      Clear All Access List Entries

command> clearlist

This command removes all entries from the access list, clearing all previously configured rules from the system.




Figure 14 Example of the clearlist command usage


5.6      Show Network Status

command> netstatus

This command displays the current status of all ethernet interfaces card.




Figure 15 Example of the netstatus command usage


5.7      Configure Comparison Mode

command> configmode <src|des>

This command configures the comparison mode to use either the source (src) or destination (des) network parameter for filtering and switching UDP packets.




Figure 16 Example of the configmode command usage


6        Software UDP Client and Server for Test

This section details the software components used for testing UDP packet transmission and reception, implemented in Python. The demo utilizes two distinct programs: a UDP client and a UDP server.


6.1      UDP Client

The UDP client is designed to send UDP packets to a specified IP address and port. It can be configured with several options, including the delay between packets, the number of packets to send, and the size of each packet. The client is executed with the following command-line arguments:

l  Client IP                : The IP address of the client (e.g.,

l  - d <delay>            : The delay between packets in seconds (default: 0).

l  - n <loop>              : The number of packets to send (default: 100).

l  - s <size>              : The size data to extend (default: 0).


6 client


Figure 17 Example of the UDP client displaying help options


Additional Client Configuration

In addition to the above options, the UDP client allows users to specify multiple server targets. Users can configure the "server" variable in the “Client.py” file to include a list of server IP addresses and ports, enabling the client to send packets to multiple servers. Users can modify the server IP addresses and ports, and add or remove server targets as needed.

For example, the “server” variable can be set as follows:



Figure 18 Example of the configmode command usage


6.2      UDP Server

The UDP server listens for incoming UDP packets on all IP addresses and a specified port. It is configured with the following command-line argument:

l  Server IP:Port        : The server's IP address and port (e.g.,


6 server


Figure 19 Example of the UDP server displaying help options


The client and server are both implemented in Python, providing a straightforward and flexible setup for demonstrating UDP packet switching.

7        UDP Packet Switching Behavior Demonstration

In this demonstration, the UDP packet switching behavior will be observed after configuring the access list and switching to destination mode. The UDP client will send packets through the interface card with IP “”, and the system will route these packets to the correct destination servers based on the access list.


7.1      Add Access List Entry and Switch to Destination Mode

First, define the access list to route packets to specific servers, with each entry corresponding to a different server IP address and port. After configuring the access list, switch the system to destination mode to enable packet routing based on the destination IP addresses.


7 add + des


Figure 20 Example of adding access list entry and switching to destination mode


7.2      View All Entries in Access List

After defining the lists, verify the configuration using the showlist command.



Figure 21 Example of displaying all configured access list


7.3      Open UDP Server to Listen on Port 4433

To receive the UDP packets, the server needs to run by excusing “server.py” with ip address and port of ethernet interface.


7 server


Figure 22 Example of opening UDP servers listening on port 4433 for all four channels


7.4      Packet Transmission

Configure the UDP client to send packets to the following servers. Open the “Client.py” script and update the “server” variable as shown below.



Figure 23 Example of updating the “server” variable in UDP client


Run the UDP client with the following command to start sending packets through the interface with IP


7 client


Figure 24 Example of command to start UDP client


7.5      Result

From the demonstration, it can be observed that the UDP client sends data to UDP servers at,, and Each UDP server successfully receives and displays the data. Figure 26 show the Wireshark capture, showing that each ethernet interface card only receives packets that match its own IP address. This confirms that the packet switching system correctly routes the UDP packets according to the configured access list.


7 result


Figure 25 Example of UDP servers receiving data from UDP client


7 wireshark


Figure 26 Wireshark capture of UDP packet transmission


8        Demonstration of UDP Packet Filtering

In this demonstration showcase how to implement UDP packet filtering within the system. The focus will be on configuring the access list to control the flow of UDP packets based on their destination IP address. It will show how certain packets can be selectively blocked from reaching specific servers, while allowing others to be routed to their designated destinations.


8.1      Add Access List Entry and Switch to Destination Mode

First, configure access list to control the routing of UDP packets to specific servers. Set up rules to ensure that UDP packets destined for on port 4433 are not forwarded to any port, effectively filtering out these packets from being sent to any interface card. On the other hand, packets intended for,, and on port 4433 will be directed to the designated interfaces as specified in our access list configuration. Then switch the system to destination mode, allowing the packet routing to be based on the destination IP addresses.


8 add + des


Figure 27 Example of adding access list and switching to destination mode


8.2      View all Entries in Access List

After defining the lists, verify the configuration using the showlist command.


8 show


Figure 28 Example of displaying all configured access list


8.3      Open UDP Server to Listen on Port 4433

To receive the UDP packets, the server needs to run by excusing “server.py” with ip address and port of ethernet interface.


7 server


Figure 29 Example of opening UDP servers listening on port 4433 for all four channels


8.4      Packet Transmission

Configure the UDP client to send packets to the following servers. Open the “Client.py” script and update the “server” variable as shown below.



Figure 30 Example of updating the “server” variable in UDP client


Run the UDP client with the following command to start sending packets through the interface with IP


7 client


Figure 31 Example of command to start UDP client


8.5      Result

From the demonstration, it can be observed that the UDP client sends data to UDP servers at,, and Each UDP server successfully receives and displays the data, except for the server at, which does not receive any packets. Figure 33 shows the Wireshark capture, where the interface is seen sending data to,, and The other interface card only receives packets that match its own IP address, except for interface having no packets received. This indicates that the system filtered out packets intended for IP


8 result


Figure 32 Example of UDP servers receiving data from UDP client


8 wireshark


Figure 33 Wireshark capture of UDP packet transmission


9        Revision History


Date (D-M-Y)




Update table of contents.



Initial version release