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1 Environment Setup
2 PC Setup
2.1 IP Setting
2.2 Speed and Frame Setting
2.3 Power Option Setting
3 FPGA board setup
4 Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) setup
4.1 ILA trigger condition
4.1.1 To see Rule Initial Control signals
4.1.2 To see Rule Memory Interface signals
4.1.3 To see Input key and Search result signals
5 tCAMIP demo software
5.1 Demo software interface description
5.2 File format for Rule data and Key Data
5.3 Rule table creation
5.4 Key data table creation
5.5 Initialization rule data to FPGA Development board
5.6 Searching key data
5.7 Compare
6 Revision History
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tCAM IP Demo Instruction on KCU116 board