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May 2024 (2)
Hyper-Fast exFAT File System Data Recording with No CPU Intervention
[New Release] exFAT2-IP for muNVMe-IP

Learn more for AMD (Xilinx) | Learn more for Altera (Intel)

The exFAT2-IP core, a powerful solution for ultra high-speed real-time data recording in exFAT file system and simultaneous file reading for FPGA-based system. This advanced IP core is designed to work seamlessly with muNVMe-IP Gen4, enabling direct data recording from input source to NVMe Gen4 SSDs without the need CPU and OS to handle exFAT file system. Here’s why the exFAT2-IP core is the perfect choice for your next project.

Our exFAT2-IP core with NVMe Gen4 IP delivers exceptional performance, supporting data rates up to 8GB/s peak. This makes it ideal for applications that demand high-speed data transfers, such as high-definition video recording, real-time data analytics, and more. With support data rate for NVMe Gen4 SSDs and up to 100GbE networks, you can achieve unparalleled efficiency and speed in your data recording and analytics processes, all while simplifying your system design.

Proven Success in Real-World Applications
Medical Applications: In a medical application requiring real-time recording of medical images and sensor data, our customers utilized our IP cores to achieve target performance and enhance their data processing capabilities.

Aerospace & Defense Applications: For aerospace and defense applications that need to capture real-time radio or radar data to on-board SSD storage without CPU intervention or interference, our IP cores offer reliable and stable data recording, essential for this kind of mission-critical operations.

exFAT2 IP core with muNVMe-IP demo available on YouTube
To help you better understand the capabilities and performance of the exFAT2-IP core, we’ve created a detailed demo video. Watch the video on our YouTube channel to see the IP core in action on an FPGA board and discover how it can revolutionize your data recording and file reading processes. Subscribe to DG IP core YouTube channel

exFAT2-IP: CPU-Free File System
with Two-User for NVMe
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