Category: Storage

exFAT2-IP: CPU-Free File System with Two-User for NVMe

Welcome, everyone! Today, we’re excited to showcase a game-changing technology that will revolutionize high-speed file recording. Imagine capturing files at blazing speeds without sacrificing performance – that’s the magic of exFAT2-IP Core! exFAT2-IP Core shatters the traditional limitations imposed by CPUs and main memory. Experience uninterrupted and high-throughput file system access with our innovative simultaneous access feature, specifically designed for...

Transforming Data Storage and Access with muNVMe and exFAT2 IPs

Unleash Real-Time Aerospace Data Processing: Blazing-Fast FPGA Solution Records & Processes Space & Defense Data Instantly Revolutionize aerospace data processing workflows with our breakthrough FPGA-based solution! This innovative reference design empowers you to capture and process massive aerospace data (10GB/s+) in real time, eliminating CPU and OS bottlenecks. Simultaneously, read recorded data over the network for instantaneous diagnosis, all within...

Boosting Simultaneous read & write data stream on NVMe SSD with NO CPU exFAT file systems

Boosting high-speed real time data recording with simultaneous reading for real-time data processing application by our new release exFAT2-IP and muNVMe-IP Core Real-time data processing applications demand high-speed data acquisition and simultaneous accessibility for analysis. Capturing very high speed data stream at 2-6 GB/s while enabling instant processing can be a significant challenge. Thankfully, Design Gateway offers innovative IP cores...

exFAT-IP: Unlocking Peak Performance with CPU-Free File System Revolution

Welcome to a groundbreaking revolution in file system technology. Today, we’re proud to introduce you to exFAT-IP – a game-changing innovation that redefines how we interact with file systems. It eliminates the traditional constraints of file system implementations. Let’s explore how our exFAT-IP transforms file system implementation, achieving a new era of performance and resource optimization under FPGA technology. What...

rmNVMe-IP for Gen5: Breakthrough 4K IOPS Performance with fully CPU offload

Experience groundbreaking 4K IOPS performance with the rmNVMe-IP Gen5 storage IP core! Say goodbye to CPU bottlenecks as this innovative core offers fully CPU offloaded operations. Achieve mind-blowing data transfer speeds exceeding 10,000 MB/s write speed, effortlessly. Discover simplified NVMe Gen5 SSD random access with minimal signal usage. This demo showcases key features like simultaneous 4KB read and write command...