Remote Storage Solutions for Automotive & Aerospace Applications

In today’s high-tech world, on-board storage in systems like those used in automotive and aerospace applications presents significant challenges that are clearly different from remote storage solution:

Traditional on-board storage

High Power Consumption

High Power

Cooling Challenges


Limited Scalability


DG’s NVMeTCP remote storage

Lower Power Consumption

Lower Power

Easy thermal management

Easy thermal

Easy to scale both performance and capacity

Easy to scale both
performance and capacity

  1. High Power Consumption: On-board storage systems often require substantial power, which can limit the efficiency and sustainability of your overall system.
  2. Cooling Challenges: With high power consumption comes the need for more intensive cooling solutions. Managing heat dissipation effectively becomes a significant design concern, especially in compact environments.
  3. Limited Scalability: As storage needs grow, on-board solutions can struggle to keep up. Expanding storage capacity on-board often leads to increased costs and complexity, without a proportional increase in performance.

Introducing the NVMeTCP IP Core: A Smart & Simple Way to Integrate Remote Storage

Design Gateway’s NVMeTCP IP Core provides a streamlined solution to these problems by enabling easy integration of NVMeTCP storage access into your FPGA design. Here’s how it can transform your systems:

  • Effortless Integration: Our NVMeTCP IP Core simplifies the process of adding remote storage capabilities to your FPGA, allowing you to focus on developing the core functionality of your application.
  • Enhanced Power Efficiency: By offloading storage to remote NVMeTCP servers, your system can operate with significantly lower power consumption, reducing the need for complex cooling solutions.
  • Uncompromised Performance & Capacity: With storage performance and capacity dependent on the remote NVMeTCP server, you no longer have to worry about on-board limitations. This setup ensures that your system remains scalable and adaptable to future needs.
System diagram of NVMeTCP IP Core
System diagram of NVMeTCP IP Core

Example Applications


In modern vehicles, FPGAs often handle data from sensors, cameras, and radar systems. With our NVMeTCP IP Core, this data can be processed in real-time and then sent via 10G or 25G Ethernet to a remote NVMeTCP storage server. This approach not only saves space and power on the vehicle but also ensures that massive amounts of data are stored reliably and efficiently.


At satellite ground stations, FPGAs manage the downlink of data from satellites. By utilizing the NVMeTCP IP Core, this critical data can be quickly transmitted over 10G or 25G Ethernet to remote storage servers. This method allows for the secure and efficient storage of large volumes of satellite data without compromising on performance or scalability.

With Design Gateway’s NVMeTCP IP Core, your automotive and aerospace applications can move beyond the limitations of traditional on-board storage, embracing a future where power efficiency, scalability, and performance are no longer a concern.

Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and unlock the full potential of NVMe/TCP storage technology!

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