TOE100G-IP with Silicom’s PacketMover Performance Demo on fb2CG@KU15P Kintex UltraScale+ FPGA Card
We would like to show you the demo of TOE100G-IP on Silicom’s PacketMover framework, running on Silicom’s FPGA Card.
TOE100G-IP on Silicom’s PacketMover consists of 2 parts
The demo systems is implemented on Host PC with Linux OS, Silicom’s FPGA Card, fb2CG@KU15P, work as 100G Network Card together TOE100G-IP for fully offload TCP transmission for specific TCP connection.
Target system is implemented on standard alone FPGA board with TOE100G-IP core for end-to-end TCP transmission between Host PC and Target systems.
Here is actual Silicom’s FPGA Card installation on Host PC.

Let’s see the demo when transfer or sending very high speed TCP payload from Host PC Main Memory through FPGA Card to 100G Ethernet to Target systems.

The demo application start setting TCP transfer parameter and wait for TCP connection.

On Target systems, setting TCP server parameter to receive data from Host PC.

Then start TCP transfer from Host Main memory to Target.

The test result show that TCP transmission for 68GB size can be finished within 5.5seconds which is around 12,300MB/s transfer speed. This is very high TCP transmission performance which close to 100Gbit maximum speed.

Let’s see the demo when reading very high speed TCP payload from 100G Ethernet connection to Main Memory on Host PC.

The demo application start setting TCP transfer parameter for receiving data from 100G Ethernet from Target systems.

On Target systems, setting TCP server parameter to send data from Host PC.

Then start TCP transfer from Target to Host Main Memory.

The test result show that TCP transmission for 68GB size can be finished within 5.8 seconds which is around 11,700MB/s transfer speed. This performance number is still more than 90% utilization of 100Gbit ethernet speed.

In conclusion, TOE100G-IP can be integrated with Silicom’s PacketMover framework to fully offload TCP transmission on Silicom’s FPGA Card. This allow Silicom’s FPGA Card can work as 100G Network Card together with very high performance TCP offload engine by TOE100G-IP.
TOE100G-IP and Silicom’s PacketMover framework is cost competitive solution for very high performance TCP 100G offloading. This solution can achieve more than 10GB/s transfer speed for transferring TCP payload between Host Main Memory and 100G Ethernet Port in both send and receive direction.

For more information about TOE100G-IP, please visit our website.
For the detail of Silicom’s PacketMover framework, please visit Silicom’s website.