FPGA-based SmartNIC for high-performance TCP/IP application

This article will give you more detail of DG’s TOE100G-IP Core and Silicom’s PacketMover framework and the application of the FPGA-based SmartNIC designed for high performance TCP/IP applications. TOE100G-IP on Silicom’s PacketMover consists of 2 parts This system is the result of a collaboration between Design Gateway and Silicom Denmark.  Using the TOE100G-IP and PacketMover framework, we are proud to present...

Moving Average Accelerator (Real-time data stream processing)

This example demonstrate a free-running kernel. Free-running kernel is a kernel which always repeatedly execute on its own whearas normal kernel requires user command (such as q.enqueueTask(krnl)). One scenario one might use a free-running kernel is processing a data stream from other kernel (both RTL/HLS) without any CPU involvement. Configuration File These lines specify which kernels are instantiated and how many....