
The Expert of IP Core & Embedded

NVMeG4 IP coreNVMe PCIe Gen4 SSD is available!!

FeaturesBlock diagramDocument DownloadApplications

NVMeG4 IP with PCIe Gen4 Soft IP enable the NVMe SSD interface for non-embedded PCIe Gen4 Hard IP Devices. Break the barriers of NVMe interface, Allow to build multi-channel RAID system with very high performance and lowest possible FPGA resources consumption.
This IP core license includes the reference design for AMD FPGA boards. It helps you to reduce development time and cost.

No CPU/DDR required
Standard Type
No PCIe Hard IP required >500K IOPS random write access Multi user simultaneously access Random Access By Multiple Users
NVMe-IP core series Selection Guide to choose suitable solution


  • Implement application layer, transaction layer,data link layer, and some parts of physical layer to access NVMe Gen4 SSD without CPU usage
  • Operate with AMD PCIe PHY IP, configured as 4-lane PCIe Gen4 (256-bit bus interface)
  • Include 256 Kbyte RAM to be data buffer
  • Simple user control I/F and FIFO interface for data port
  • Direct connect to Integrated Block for PCI Express from AMD by using 128-bit bus interface
  • Support 6 commands, i.e. IDENTIFY, WRITE, READ, Shutdown, SMART, and Flush
  • Supported NVMe device
    • Base Class Code:01h (mass storage), Sub Class Code:08h (Non-volatile), Programming Interface:02h (NVMHCI)
    • MPSMIN (Memory Page Size Minimum): 0 (4Kbyte)
    • MDTS (Maximum Data Transfer Size): 0 (no limitation) or at least 5 (128 Kbyte)
    • LBA unit: 512 byte or 4096 byte
  • exFAT & FAT32 file system management without CPU usage (Option)
  • Support PCIe Switch (Customize support, please ask us)
  • Reference design with AB18-PCIeX16 / AB17-M2FMC adapter board available on AMD FPGA boards
    Available on Mouser

Block diagram

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Common Documents

Document name
NVMe-IP core Brochure Rev2.6EX
NVMe-IP核 Rev2.4CX (中文)
NVMe-IP core Presentation Rev2.4EX
Blog Article NVMe PCIe Gen4 Host Controller Core by leveraging AMD's UltraScale+ GTY Transceivers
YouTube Video
Introduction & Performance Demo

NVMe with PCIe Soft IP: an Ideal solution for FPGA which doesn’t include PCIe hard IP

NVMeG3-IP is listed on AMD Vivado
IP catalog

Documents for each Device families

Support Devices Zynq UltraScale+ ZCU102, ZCU106, Virtex UltraScale+ VCU118,
Kintex UltraScale+ KCU116, Kintex UltraScale KCU105
IP core & Option Datasheet Reference Design Document Demo Instruction Document FPGA Board Set up Document Free Evaluation demo file
NVMeG4-IP Rev2.01 Rev1.04 Rev1.07 Rev4.7 VCU118
NVMeG4-IP with 2ch RAID0 - Rev1.02 Rev1.2 Rev2.2 VCU118
exFAT2-IP for NVMeG4-IP Rev1.0 Rev1.0 Rev1.0 KCU116
FAT32-IP for NVMeG4-IP Rev1.0 Rev1.0 Rev1.0 Rev4.7 ZCU102

NVMeG3-IP Rev1.6 Rev1.4 Rev4.3 Rev4.7 VCU118
NVMeG3-IP with 2ch RAID0 Rev1.0 Rev1.0 ZCU106
NVMeG3-IP with 4ch RAID0 Rev1.0 Rev1.1 VCU118
exFAT-IP for NVMeG3-IP Rev2.0 Rev2.0 Rev3.0 ZCU102
exFAT-IP FTP Server demo
with TOE10G-IP Rev1.2 Rev2.0 Rev2.1 ZCU102

Free Bit file for evaluation

Evaluation demo on YouTube!!
The result of performance of NVMeG4-IP including PCIe Gen4 Soft IP inside on AMD ZCU102 Write = 7,446 MB/sec, Read = 6,963 MB/sec.
Free evaluation demo is available on AMD FPGA boards.
Watch youtube demo

Merits of NVMeG4 IP with PCIe Gen4 Soft IP

NVMeG4 IP with PCIe Gen4 Soft IP enable the NVMe SSD interface for non-embedded PCIe Gen4 Hard IP Devices. Break the barriers of NVMe interface, Allow to build multi-channel RAID system with very high performance and lowest possible FPGA resources consumption. Watch NVMeG4 IP on ZCU102 Demo on YouTube

Leveraging UltraScale+ transceiver, Enabling NVMe PCIe Gen4 SSD support for non-PCIe Gen4 Hard IP Devices

Enabling Virtex UltraScale+ (VCU118) to connect and access NVMe PCIe Gen4 SSD(s) with 2X performance over single NVMe PCIe Gen3 SSD. Ideally ultra high speed storage with compact form factor systems.

Small Resource Consumption

Dedicatedly designed and optimized for Standalone NVMe PCIe Gen4 Host Controller. The resource consumption increase just only 30% while achieving 200% performance increase over PCIe Gen3 systems.

Multi-channel NVMe RAID System

NVMe IP with PCIe Soft IP does not have the limitation depend on the number of PCIe Hard IPs built in the FPGA device. It is possible to build multi-channel RAID system which maximize the number of transceivers available on FPGA device.

Accessories for evaluation

Accessories for evaluation Description
AB17-M2FMC M.2-FMC adapter board for NVMe-IP evaluation. Able to connect 2 NVMe SSDs. * SSD is not included.
Download manual

AB18-PCIeX16 PCIe x16 Lanes Crossover adapter board for NVMe-IP evaluation
Download manual


About price and licence of this IP core, please contact Design Gateway.

Application example

NVMeG4-IP core is the best solution for applications which requires huge data transmission with high-speed.
Surveillance Camera Data Logger Video Editing System Medical Image Analysis Aerospace & Defense
